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Guy Azran, Mohamad H Danesh, Stefano V. Albrecht, Sarah Keren
Contextual Pre-Planning on Reward Machine Abstractions for Enhanced Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024
Abstract | BibTex | arXiv | Code | Video


Mhairi Dunion, Trevor McInroe, Kevin Sebastian Luck, Josiah Hanna, Stefano V. Albrecht
Conditional Mutual Information for Disentangled Representations in Reinforcement Learning
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023
Abstract | BibTex | arXiv | Code

Guy Azran, Mohamad H Danesh, Stefano V. Albrecht, Sarah Keren
Contextual Pre-Planning on Reward Machine Abstractions for Enhanced Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning
NeurIPS Workshop on Generalization in Planning, 2023
Abstract | BibTex | arXiv

Mhairi Dunion, Trevor McInroe, Kevin Sebastian Luck, Josiah Hanna, Stefano V. Albrecht
Temporal Disentanglement of Representations for Improved Generalisation in Reinforcement Learning
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
Abstract | BibTex | arXiv | Code

Guy Azran, Mohamad H. Danesh, Stefano V. Albrecht, Sarah Keren
Contextual Pre-Planning on Reward Machine Abstractions for Enhanced Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning
IJCAI Workshop on Planning and Reinforcement Learning, 2023
Abstract | BibTex | arXiv

Mhairi Dunion, Trevor McInroe, Kevin Sebastian Luck, Josiah Hanna, Stefano V. Albrecht
Conditional Mutual Information for Disentangled Representations in Reinforcement Learning
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning, 2023
Abstract | BibTex | arXiv | Code


Mhairi Dunion, Trevor McInroe, Kevin Sebastian Luck, Josiah Hanna, Stefano V. Albrecht
Temporal Disentanglement of Representations for Improved Generalisation in Reinforcement Learning
NeurIPS Workshop on Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2022
Abstract | BibTex | arXiv | Code

Guy Azran, Mohamad Hosein Danesh, Stefano V. Albrecht, Sarah Keren
Enhancing Transfer of Reinforcement Learning Agents with Abstract Contextual Embeddings
NeurIPS Workshop on Neuro Causal and Symbolic AI, 2022
Abstract | BibTex